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what are stretch marks?
these are scars on the skin caused by rapid changes of weight due to pregnancy, increase in weight and body building. they have no risk in your body but most people just dont like them because of cosmetic reasons. those mark are called striae in medical terminologies. back to the point, today am going explain ways which will help you to remove those stretch marks as follows.
use aloe vera plant; this plant has been used for generations to treat wounds, skin disease, ganstrointestinal diseases and etc so its being used sucessful to remove stretch mark. you can either use it from the farm or buy manufactured skin with aloe vera in it.
how to use it,..cut a plant of aloevera and drain the colourless mucoid water from it and apply on your skin then remove it after 15 minutes or apply the lotion on the stretch mark twice a day after shower.
forever living company is leading the world for this business of manufacturing aloe vera product with 99% aloe vera within them so its one of the brand i recommend you to use.
avoid fast foods and non health diets; most of the fast foods eaten in reustaurants will only increase toxins in your body and affect all body system and skin being among them.so chocolates,biscuits, candies and all fried food wont be good for you.so to boost your immunity and increase your skin look make sure you eat healthly foods.
drink a lot of water; skin problems are best treated from inside and not inside because dehydration and lack of enogh fluid in the system will cause your skin to look very dry and unhealthly so minimum of 3 litres should be taken inside you so as to increase your skin tone, moisturise it and make remove the appearing stretches.
exercise more; anyone who dont do exercise is a future patient because regular exercises prevent and treat many conditions in all system of your body so give your body 30 minutes a day for any kind of exercises that you are doing. if you are too busy at least do it 3 to 4 times a week because it will tone your body and remove all spots and stretches from your skin.
the combination of all above mentioned programs will make you able to remove completely your stretch mark so do not relay on only one program among those four although aloe vera gel sometimes
can do it on its own.

SOURCE: http://secretsofgoodhealth2580.blogspot.com      

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                                             DR.KALEGAMYE HINYUYE MLONDO.

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  1. Aloevera is a good remedy but Stretch Marks Oil is also effective. I used herbal oil for removing marks.


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