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Musterbation as the one of the very addictive behavior and  it is not easy to stop doing it, and if you really want to stop u need extra efforts and determinations. By my own research I have discovered that only two people out of ten are able to quit it when they try to, but dont worry you can be among those two.some people think that musterbation is for men but recently we have a lot of women who musterbate.this is how you can quit
Stop watching porn; the more you watch more porn videos the more you create images in your brain that will make you musterbate more and more so quitting watching them is one of the best technique.
Be committed from your heart; as we know any one is capable of doing anything if he or she does it from deep inside of the heart so don’t just say I want to quit, simply like that. You have to mean it. Many people who try to quit always say that this is going to be my last time to musterbate and they end up repeating again the next day.
Stay away from deceiving environment: many people tends to musterbate when they are alone in their  rooms so if you feel tempted to do it just leave your room  place and join other people or friends and that temptation will leave you.
Join exercises programs; exercises will make you feel tired always in the evening and you wont even have a time to think about it and you will soon get used to that life but also exercising is one of the best way to treat addiction.
Find a sexual partner; if you are single or you don’t have anyone to have sex with you will always be very horny when trying to quit so getting one will help you to relieve your hornyness and you can even tell her or him the truth so that she  or he can be supportive.
Think about the side effects every time you think of doing it; think about tiredness, poor erection in men, forgetting problems, production of immature sperms in men, failure to satisfy  your partner in both sex and e.t.c.  click here to read here the side effects of musterbation http://www.vibesinc.ga/2017/01/10-common-side-effects-of-musterbation.html
Give yourself a gift; if you used to musterbate everday and you have completed a week without doing it do something to congratulate yourself may be going out with friends and have fun.
Reduce frequency: quiting immediately is the best way but if you are so addicted that you cant finish a day without doing it then start reducing frequncies to at least twice a week then twice a month before you quit completely.
Conclusion; even if you find yourself back to the same problems of musterbating  after all efforts you have been doing don’t  give up. Just keep on trying and trying and one day you will be a free man.

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