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Top 10 heaviest animals in the world

No other animals on Earth are heavier than different species of whales. But it is demand to know about different animal species that comes in first raw in case of weight. Here the list of top 10 heaviest animals in the world.

 Kodiak Bear up to 1800lb

Kodiak bear Kodiak bears are completely isolated from that of other species of the family, found only in island of Kodiak archipelago in Alaska. An average male Kodiak bear have a height of 10 feet upon standing time and weights between 1500 to 1800lb. The female kodiak bears are 20 to 30 percentage smaller than it’s male group.
  • The rich abundance of food makes Kodiak bears much heavier than other species within the family.
  • Kodiak bears leaves for hibernation during spring season and their wight increases by 50 percentage at that time.
  • The commonly consume large quantity of fishes and vegetation.
  • Never look for hunting other animals also won’t have to defend other species due to isolation of the place.

 Crocodile up to 2300lb

Crocodile are the largest reptiles in the world can be found in tropical regions. The length of an average crocodile ranges between 6 to 25 feet have weight up to 2300lb. They are successor in the case of living without feeding for months, upon that time they uses energy from body which is stored in the form of fat.
  • Large pigs, fishes, reptiles, birds and turtles are common preys of Crocodiles.
  • Have power to detect small disturbance in water, make use of to catch larger preys.
  • Strong jaws of crocodiles have power enough to cracks bones of larger preys.

 Asian Guar up to 2500lb

Asian Guar Asian guars are the largest species in wild cattles native to south Asia. Asian giar’s body length ranges between 2.5 to 3.5 meters and weight measures up to 2500lb. Typically the male guar are 30 percentage larger than that of females, have massive head and strong horns.
  • Found in herds within grasslands , used to have large amount of leaves and grass.
  • Used to live in evergreen forests where abundance of vegetation and water presented.
  • Spend most of their day time on feeding and have power of long term survival in absence of food.

 Giraffe up to 3500lb

Giraffe Giraffes are the tallest mammals in the world, found in large numbers in South Africa. They have a greater heights up to 20 feet and weight ranges between 2800 to 3500lb. In facts their legs are much taller than that of an average humans that is 6 feet. These strong tall legs help giraffes to have leaves from tree tops also can run with speed of 50 km per hour.
  • Have food in most of all time, the 21 inch tongue of giraffes helps to plucks leaves easily.
  • Giraffes used to regurgitate the foods just like cows.
  • Used to have water rich acacia leaves as favorite one, help giraffes to survive for long time without drinking water.
  • Travels long distance in searching for food.

 Hippopotamus up to 7500lb

hippopotamus Hippopotamus are the third largest land mammal on Earth native to South Africa. They usually have weight up to 7500lb, sped most of the time in water to cool down their heavier body. They consumed more than 80 pound of grass a day especially in night time.
  • Makes walk of 6 miles to find out sufficient amount of foods.
  • Special shape of teeth help hippos to make large intake of grass.
  • Grass and fallen fruits are the main foods of hippopotamus.

 White Rhinoceros up to 7800lb

rhino White Rhinoceros are second largest and animal on Earth after elephants, native to Africa. They have body length up to 4 meter and weight ranges between 3600 to 7800lb. The heavy head and two horns are the most interesting body parts on white rhinoceros.
  • Used to have large amount of grass.
  • Can live without drinking water for up to 5 days.
  • Largest pure grazers in animals species, found most of time in grasslands.

 Indian Elephant up to 11000lb

Indian elephant The sub species of world’s largest land mammal on Earth, having weight up to 11000lb. Indian elephants also have height up to 3.5 meters. Unlike African elephants Indian elephants have small ears. They used to wandering over vast areas, especially in grasslands.
  • Follows 19 hours of a day on feeding.
  • The consume 250 pounds of foods daily, mainly grass, also have fruits and sugarcane.
  • Strong trunks and tusks helps elephants to make food in proper form, especially parts of trees.

 African Elephant up to 14000lb

African elephant The heaviest land animal on Earth having mass up to 14000lb. They have large ears and tusks than other species of  elephants. They used to have spending time on mood and water pool for cool down their larger body, trunks also help them to spray water on body.
  • Used strong tusks to find food.
  • Mainly have grasses, roots and fruits, u to 300 pounds of foods in single day.
  • Travel longer distance to find out places for getting large amount of food.

 Whale Shark up to 40000lb

Whale shark Whale sharks are the largest fish in the seas that having length of 12 meter and weight up to 40000lb. Whale sharks are fund within warm and tropical ocean waters. The strong jaws and filters helps whale sharks to consume large amount of food easily at a time.
  • Micro algaes, krills, crabs and other vertebrates are main food of whale sharks.
  • Make migration to find out sufficient amount of food.
  • Whale shark’s different raws of teeth have no major roll in it’s feeding.

 Blue Whale up to 410000lb

Blue whale The largest animal species ever lived on planet Earth. Blue whales have body length up to 30 meters and have weight up to 200 tons. They are found within Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. Interestingly blue whale’s tongue itself have weight of an elephant. Their groans and pulses can be heard from 1000 miles away, used to communicate with other whales.
  • They used to consuming 4 tons of food daily, mainly krills.
  • The filters attached to their jaws helps to swallow sufficient amount of foods easily.
  • Makes migration to find foods in different seasons.
SOURCE: http://themysteriousworld.com

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