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what is anal sex?  
this is the type of sex where by a man or a woman is inserted penis on his or her anus...... after the beginning of 21st century this habit became very normal to couples although its used to be practised by gays in past years. 

new researches shows that in U.K more than 80% of normal couples practise anal sex but also they are many rumuors especially in africa which claim that anal sex can increase buttocks size, something which is not real at all. 

basically anal sex has been copied by many people from porn videous which try to tell as that the type of sex is very normal, not painful and no side effects at all, but let us ask ourselves.. who has made follow up to know the end of those porn stars? no one can answer this question... but the reality which porn star wont tell you is what am going to share with you today. 

weakness of anal sphincter muscles; these muscles are the one which are responsible to prevent feaces to come out without someone willing, so following anal sex, those muscles are weakned and someone can find him or herself passing out feaces unknowingly. 

anal cancer; the virus responsible for cervical cancer known as human papiloma virus which are commonly found on the the female genitals can be transferred from the genitals to anus and cause the cancer of the anus. gays are ten times at risk of getting anal cancer than non gays men.
fistula; anal sex can cause the formation of ulcers which make a hole between between anus and vagina or a hole between a rectum and vagina or a hole between a vagina and urinary bladder.this condition cause the involuntary passing out of urine and feaces through vagina which can be very depressing to a woman. 

sexual transimitted diseases; diseases like syphils, herpes simplex, chancroid, gonorhoea, and others are also accompained by anal sex habits and the risk of getting infected is higher than in vaginal sex.

risk of HIV infections; as we all know that, there is no fluid secretion in the anus which lubricate it the way vagina is lubricated during sex, therefore that dryness of the anuss cause friction during sex and increases more chances of being infected with HIV. 

hemorrhoids: these are veins which inlarge in walls of the anus due to increased in intra abdominal pressure, hard formed feaces and anal sex..those veins can rapture and cause severe bleeding which can be fatal if not intervened.

urinary tract infections: the act of moving the penis from the anus to the vagina cause the introduction of new bacteria to the vagina and the urinary tract,  infecting bladder and kidneys.

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